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please use Google Translator

  1. Open a web browser and go to You don’t need a Google account to access it, because it’s free to all.
  2. In the text box on the left, type in the entire URL (including the http://) of the website you want to view.
  3. On the right, choose the language you want to see the website in.
  4. Click Translate.

The translated website appears. You can browse the entire website in that language by clicking links on the site — as long as you stay within the Google Translate user interface. The Translate toolbar at the top enables you to do a couple of other things:

  • From the To drop-down menu, you can change the translation language on the fly.
  • Next to View, you can toggle back and forth between the translated website and the site in its original language.

How to Translate a Website with Google Translate (